Friday, March 11, 2011

What Is Anxiety?

What is Anxiety? Many people now who are faced with anxiety issue find themselves asking the same question. Most people have some variety of anxiety. An acute feeling of fear, worry, apprehension, or nervousness when faced with factors out of our control is the most common definition of anxiety.

What are the Signs of Everyday Anxiety?

With this definition of anxiety, you will find out that anxiety is not all a terrible thing. The concept of survival of the fittest has indicated that our bodies instinctively respond to anxiety by making us sweat, increasing our heart rate, and drying out our mouth. It is when your body prepares for the release of the hormone called adrenaline which helps you cope with stressful situations.

How Anxiety Can Become an Obstacle In Your Life

Notwithstanding, anxiety becomes a problem when it is felt for unjustifiable reasons. Psychological anxiety is more difficult than everyday anxiety, and this might be your problem if your worries interfere with your day-to-day life.

    The following are symptoms of psychological anxiety:

  • insomnia or sleeping difficulties
  • you can not cease worrying all day long
  • you are easily riled
  • you have no initiative to complete daily tasks
  • you are easily distracted
  • you fear that you are going dotty
  • derealisation where you feel detached from everything around you

When there are complications, anxiety tends to become worse. If you already struggle with some added mental or emotional problem such as depression, you are more prone to have anxiety as well. If you know someone who has one or more of these conditions, you need to be aware that the chances of them harming themselves or others is very high.

Causes of Anxiety

What causes psychological anxiety disorder? Psychological anxiety may have been caused by another condition such as depression.

    Researchers have found that one of the following factors usually has played a role in the development of anxiety:

  • Heredity - Anxiety disorders seem to run in families.
  • Levels of Certain Chemicals in Your Brain - If you have ever used street drugs such as cristal or LCD, you have altered your brain chemistry permanently and are at a higher risk for suffering from psychological disorders.
  • Personality - Individuals who can not seem to deal with daily stresses, or who do not feel right about themselves overall, have an increased chance of developing anxiety.
  • Your Life in General - If you struggle with being penniless or are in an abusive relationship, you are more prone to have anxiety. Traumatic experiences such as losing a loved one increase your likelihood of having anxiety.

I have anxiety -- now what?

What is anxiety and what are the options for treatment? The first step in treating anxiety is to make sure you have been correctly diagnosed. Treatments for anxiety disorders change from person to person. The most normal methods to treat anxiety include the use of medication, learning how to relax, some type of psychotherapy, and joining a support group.

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